Sunday, November 22, 2009

BOB, BOS, and First Legs!

Yesterday was the Waltham, MA show. It was a double, plus a pet show, and there were 600 rabbits there yesterday.
To think we didn't know about the show until two days after the Taunton, MA show on the 15th, THE DAY OF CUTOFF FOR ENTRY, is shocking now considering how well we (I) did yesterday!

Show A Open I entered Artanna my REW Jr. doe and Leo my Fawn Jr. buck.

Keith entered Rain, our Steel Jr. Doe.

We did the following:

Artanna was best white as she was the only white there LOL

Nancy Platt's GORGEOUS chocolate Sr. doe did BOB and my Leo took BOS, I practically LEVITATING I was so happy.

Rain did best colored Jr. Doe, which was nice!

Show A Youth my kids were the only ones there with FA. So naturally, they did BOB with Courage, Tort Jr. buck (Megan showed/groomed him) and BOS with Expresso, Black Jr. doe (Alex showed/groomed her).

Pet class, Woogie my little nearly 4 year old daughter did 4th place and got her very first ribbon, a green one. She kept saying "It's so beautiful!" Adorable! She has gone to the barn twice today alone (it's barely 11am) to see her ribbon hanging with the others.

Show B was my shining moment though.

Judge Jim Rowland picked my Leo for BOB against a darn good amount of Nancy's rabbits and another womans, and little Artanna did BOS.

I was so honored. Nancy Platt has been breeding and showing FA for A LONG TIME. She is well known and has truly beautiful animals.

My kids obviously did BOB and BOS again in Youth.

Courage got a second look for BIS for Show A, but the judge ultimately picked someone another breed, which I cannot remember.

Leo got a second and third look for BIS for show B and my heart almost stopped in my chest but the BIS was a Netherland Dwarf buck, and Best Reserve was a Mini Rex doe.

All in all, it was an amazing day. I got my first legs for Leo, and now he needs one more as a Sr. to be GC. He weighs Sr. weight but wasn't in what I thought was the proper coat to compete with the Sr.s so I put him in Jr. since he's not 6 months until Dec. 1. Man, I should have entered him as a Sr. with how well he did. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20. I have no doubt I will finish him he is just a very nice rabbit indeed.

Here is a pic of my BOB rabbit NB's Leo:

It's funny, when you have something from the time it is small and you see it everyday, you can miss that it's grown up. I find that with my children, people will see them for the first time in a few months and say "My how you've grown!" and I don't see it! This is how I felt about Leo. To me, he was still the little Jr. I saw for the first time in August :

But to look at him yesterday at Waltham taking BOB, he looks VERY grown up in the head and all that. What a little man he's becoming!

He's shy though. Nancy's BOB show A Chocolate Doe kept whispering sweet nothings in his ear and was very forward about her desire for him, and he just kept slinking further back into his hole. LOL It was a good laugh. She was practically grooming him and crawling into his hole and he was like "Help Me!"

Here is a picture of the loot we brought home from the show yesterday. 10 Ribbons in all. Boy do they look good in my barn :-D

The yellow is not from Waltham, but from my first show in Fulton, NY and little Artanna earned that for 3rd place.
Every judge that puts their hands on her loves her, yesterday in show B the judge called another judge over from their show to feel Artanna's body and she told us that she hadn't felt such a nice French body in a looong time. That was jusge Stacy something, long last name she had flown up from Florida just to judge at yesterdays show. I will get her last name off my remark cards.

I talked to tons of people and gave out nearly 70 Buisness cards yesterday.
Nancy and I talked on and off throughout the day and she is such a nice woman with only words of encouragement and advice for everyone. She kept giving me big smiles and telling me congrats.

Looks like we are heading for the Lebanon, PA show now! Can't Wait!

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