New Sr. girl MG's Calypso, out of Spang's Dijon was bred to Platt's Peter and was due to kindle on Thanksgiving day. She looked promising, but held out on me and decided to kindle her first litter yesterday at 12:05pm on Black Friday, 11/27/09. She beautifully and gracefully blessed me with a small rainbow of 9 Gorgeous kits!
She kindled right in front of me in the barn while I was doing chores. I came in, she was laying down vegging out, she hadn't even started pulling wool yet! She got up, hopped into her nestbox, pulled some wool, popped out those kits, covered them with more wool and was done and out in 15 minutes flat eating lunch and guzzling her water!
I was amazed and felt very honored to be allowed to witness the birth of these kits, this was a special breeding for me. I have wanted to combine Spang and Platt for awhile now and that is exactly what I did with this breeding. I had been calling it on my dry board in my barn, Calypso's Dream Litter. And boy, did Calypso outdo herself! I have 4 brokens, 3 that will be either blacks or Agoutis. 1 that I believe is a tort. 1 chestnut/copper agouti. 1 fawns. and 2 whites.
If I have a white buck he will be retained as a mate for Artanna!!
I may even keep both whites because there are simply no other whites being shown locally but my one white doe.
One of the brokens with really nice even markings is staying and is already named Black Friday, the other two broken black/agouti are lacking even nose markings, one has none, the other has one beauty mark on the side of the nose (I'm calling this one Monroe) so they are not suited for the show table.
This is going to be TOUGH litter to make choices on... Keith asked me last night, "So how many are you keeping from this litter?" and I was like "Honestly, it is way too soon to tell and I have no idea!"
Two more breedings left for this season, Expresso (black) and Raine (blue steel) and then I'm done and I will be waiting on them for a little while longer. I have to work breeding them around when we go to PA for the show. I do not want to leave first time Mom's with young kits with a sitter for days on end while I'm gone... I may wait on them until it's over.
I have started needle felting, HOW FUN!!! I wanted something to do with all this extra Angora wool that I just didn't have time to spin and I wanted to mix it up, so Felting it is! I need to get some finer gauge felting needles for the Angora but I have done some sheep wool Needle Felting on a purse I made for my 4 year old for her birthday and it came out great!
I am HOPING to felt Christmas oranments for the family for this year... We'll see!
Here are some pics, ENJOY!
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