Saturday, October 10, 2009

Like a hole in the head...

That's how I need another website or blog to take care of... Like a hole in the head.

But hey, that's also how I needed more kids, more animals, more crazy family, more, more, more everything. And I happen to be like "Bring it ON!", I'm known for getting in over my head, being a little impulsive, quirky, eccentric, way too sensitive, and some of my friends and family would call my outright weird.
I'm stubborn, go against the flow more than with it, march to the beat of a different drum, am a free spirit, tree hugger, house hermit, lover of animals more than people any day, and I adore food too much (ask my plus sized butt).
My name is Jenna. Yep, this is my blog.

It's actually going to be a blog about my new found love, French Angora bunnies. Just say Angora Bunny to a random person and try to get them to conjure up a mean or violent image. You cannot. Most people promptly say "Awww" and think of fluffy wuffy cuddle kins peter wabbit hopping through the grass and snuggling with the baby and puppy off the toilet paper package.
That my friends is why I like them, it's not the only reason, but it's one of them.
I need more "Awww" in my life and less drama. Who doesn't get free therapy from snuggling a super soft fuzzy bunny? I wish I had told my parents when I was a kid to save that money they spent on hours at the shrink and instead just buy me a Angora rabbit.
When I was a little girl, my Aunt Barbara gave me a stuffed rabbit. I was 4. His name, appropriately, was Rabbit. He was a light cream/tan color with ears that went back over his head, he sat on his butt like a a person with all four legs straight out in front of him. His big plastic brown eyes were so gentle and loving. He was my best friend.
I am 25 years old now and I still have Rabbit. He's in my room and that rabbit has been through more with me than anyone in the world. He was there when I went to kindergarten the first day, he was there for show and tell, he was there whenever the world was a scary place, he was there when my tonsils were taken out, he was there when I was a teen and was not with the best crowd, he was there when I gave birth to all three of my kids (YES, I took him to the hospital with me!), he was there when I had my gallbladder out, when I was so sick with Chronic Lyme Disease that I thought I was dying, just there for everything. I will be buried or burned with that rabbit, I don't care how stupid it looks. He shows his age, his tan/cream fur is now a hint of grey that no amount of gentle cycles through the washer will improve, his tail is flat, he sort of leans to one side from years of snuggling in the same position. He's kind of matted looking like how stuffed animals get who have gone through too much love and the dryer. But he's still there.
I think he sort of set the scene for me to love rabbits. A stuffed one really isn't much different from a real one in the way of company and friendship. The real thing is pretty calm, quiet, gentle, and supportive. How can a creature with such large ears and sincere liquid eyes not be a great listener and secret keeper?

Then comes the knitting obsession I have had for about 8 years now.
I often think of the movie Mouse Hunt and Scmuntz String Co. and how the poor old father is dying the hospital bed and gives his precious first peice of string to his boys and wants them to share it. The poor old bat. They take it and pull the ply apart and each take one ply of the string. This senario will probably play out with me, my kids, and a piece of three ply Angora yarn. I know it.
I have more yarn than I am honest enough to reveal to you. It's hidden in every skein sized crevice in my house. And my house is big. It's on display in plain view in crates hanging on walls in my school room and office. Categorized by fiber content and sorted by color. I am OCDish when it comes to the storing of my yarn. Even the out of sight stashed stuff is organized in a way that leaves my poor husband scratching his head, dying in laughter inside, and glazed over with how much of a nerd I can be.

This Angora rabbit hobby started with my self suffient self (say THAT 5 times fast!), looking at ways to make my own yarn and stop myself from having to always buy it. So now, instead of yarn, I'm buying rabbits. Great plan right?

Tell him that. I'm starting to think he might be wishing I would just start asking for yarn money again :-P

So, I currently have 5 French Angora rabbits. 3 Bucks and 2 Does. I am starting to show soon, my first show is going to be the Fulton, NY show (am I crazy or what?!) and I will take 4 rabbits and come back with 8...

Man, people were NOT messing around when they said rabbits multiply like crazy.

Stay tuned for more info and pics, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!! Have some fun and enjoy!!
